Be prepared ahead of time
Unlike apartment hunting in other cities, applying for any apartment in Dallas is an intense process. Apartments fly off the market, so it's vital that you have all your documents and finances in order before you even see your first apartment.
When to start looking
Most Dallas apartments tenants have to give a 60 day notice . If you start searching sooner than 60 days before your move date, there won’t be anything to look at in your time frame. If you wait too long, best priced apartments will likely be gone by the time you want to view and lease.
Apartments go fast
Once inventory hits the market, the best deals disappear immediately, so be prepared to start searching 45-60 days before your move date. And if you've missed the boat, you’ll be caught searching the dregs of the inventory.
If you're working with an agent, keep in mind that many won't work with you if your move-in date is months away because apartment availability is hard for agents to predict.
Confirm your roommates ahead of time, and lock down every roommate's information. Each individual will need to provide documentation, and you'll all need to be ready to act fast. It's essential that you have responsible and trustworthy roommates.
Choose the right roommates
📷If you have a roommate who is having trouble putting together all the necessary documentation to sign a lease, chances are that person won't be a reliable roommate. Suppose you sign the lease, and things are smooth for a while. If your roommate hits a rough patch and can't pay his or her share of the rent, then all parties are in violation of the lease (even those who are paying their share.) Choose carefully.

Documents/Info Needed:
• ID – Driver’s License, state ID, passport • Two recent Pay stubs • Employment Offer Letter - Stating occupation, title, income, bonuses and length of occupation, or anticipated start date. Your employer/boss must write this on company letterhead. If self employed, have a CPA write it. • Bonus Pay Stubs, if applicable • Contact Information-Names, numbers, emails, and addresses of last landlord, your employer and your guarantor for application.
Recommended to Bring:
• Application Fees - Usually between $60 to $85 per roommate. You should be able to pay this with check if applying on paper application; credit/debit card if applying online
• Deposit – If you are approved while at property, you may go ahead and give deposit and to take the apartment off the market. The deposit is anywhere from $100 to $750 depending on each apartment property. And a lot more for condos, townhomes or single family homes. (Typically one month’s rent.)
• Pet Deposit - If you have a pet, the landlord may require that you put money down to cover potential damage.